About Us
Our Business
We are proud of our "collection" of diamonds that are hard to find in the industry. Small differences in proportions or types of inclusions can make one diamond sell faster than another diamond with the exact same grade.
  • Faster selling diamonds - Our focus is SI goods with "clever inclusions" with respect to type, placement and location of imperfections. This combination of better clarities and ideal proportions makes our diamonds consistently more saleable.
  • Buy right, buy small! - Our diamonds must be selected one by one to meet our high standards; they are not bought in big lots.
  • The strictest H&A stones - As the first US importer of Hearts and Arrows Ideal Cuts, we adhere to the original Japanese specifications and reject stones that don't have perfect H&A patterns.
  • A leader in technology - As a leader in technology and computer aided grading, Sarin and Ogi technology are employed in buying and selling. This keeps our customers on the cutting edge of diamond technology.
  • No Internet sales - Our diamonds are marketed through brick & mortar stores and we do not list our goods on retail websites.

Our Mission

  • To offer the highest level of service and professionalism in the industry.
  • To be a preferred diamond supplier by offering consistently saleable diamonds.
  • To keep our "Brick and Mortar" customers competitive in a rapidly changing marketplace.

Our Commitments

  • GWW Co is in compliance with the Kimberley Process and sells only 100% natural diamonds derived from reliable sources.
  • GWW Co is compliant with the US Patriot Act and has an AML policy in place.
  • To act in a manner consistent with DTC Best Practices Policies.


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